We watched the movie The social network with is dedicated for the creation of facebook.
The facebook started first of all like a dating web side witch only people that studded in Hardware cloud enter it! Mark Zekenberg worked with too realy tall guys and then he ditched em, and he worked on his own but his best friend supported him with financal problems and the created a site called The facebook. His bestfriend was the CUO of The facebook and soon the facebook blow up! It was a very popular web site! And like all girls wor in to them! They had groopes to gether. They went on a diner with San Parker (he was a creator of some other page or what ever) and they change it from The facebook to facebook... Parker wanted to mess up facebook so he acted like a nice guy and soon he was partyng with Mark, whail Edwardo wos in NYC.
Then the lower Edwardos procrnt from 30% to 3,02% or something, so he came angry in the new offices of facebook, he braked a laptop yelled to every one! And he sew him for something and the two realy tall guys sew him for stealing ideas. Mark at the sew things, he was just drawing on his paper and was totaly cool with it and like mess around with the judjes. And that was the end of the socail network. Today facebook its the most populate site or something!
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